Police Constables (PC or P.C.) It is equivalent to a Detective Constable. work in police stations and in departments like the Dog Branch and the Roads Policing Unit. Constables spend lots of time patrolling the streets. They protect the public by preventing crime, making arrests and helping at the scene of accidents.
Woman Police Constable[]
Woman Police Constable (aka W.P.C.)
A Woman Police Constable is a non commisioned rank and is is above a P.C.S.O and P.C.S.O Supervisor (one bar) but the lowest rank in the Police Service.
Constables are equivalent to Detective Constables
They are sun hill's most popular rank
Recent police constables have included
- PC Sally Armstrong
- PC Millie Brown
- PC Mel Ryder
- PC Kirsty Knight
- PC Nate Roberts
- PC Tony Stamp
- PC Benjamin Gayle
- PC Leon Taylor
- PC Arun Ghir
- PC Roger Valentine
Recent detective constables have included:
- DC Mickey Webb
- DC Terry Perkins
- DC Grace Dasari
- DC Jacob Banks
- DC Kezia Walker
- DC Will Fletcher