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A police accident (POLACC) is where a police officer/car is involved in a car crash or when they hit a pedestrian.


Area Cars
Type of Car Model Driver Incident Injuries Damages Episode License Plate
Area Car Ford Sierra Tony Stamp Hit a parked car None Bumper knocked off, headlamp smashed, presumably written off Small Hours F389TAR
Area Car Rover SD1 Steve Loxton Collided with another car Major injuries to driver of other car, shock to the passenger Front end dented badly The Chase A794UJD
Area Car Ford Sierra Booked out by Steve Loxton, stolen Jumped fence and hit several parked cars Minor injuries to passenger Written Off, flipped over Comeback H23MGM
Area Car Ford Sierra WPC June Ackland (not authorized) Smashed into bollards None Bumpers and fenders destroyed, written off Hiding To Nothing F676UJC
Area Car Ford Sierra PC Steve Loxton Shot at None Smashed windscreen The Short Straw J692UCF
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Tony Stamp Collision with pedestrian Victim died, passengers unhurt Minor dents Urgent Assistance P610TUY
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Vicky Hagen Collision with other police car None Smashed tailight, bent bumper The Morning After V874FNP
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Vicky Hagen Crashed into parked car None Small dent Value Judgement V874FNP
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Vicky Hagen Crashed into ditch None Bent chassis (car destroyed) Value Judgement V874FNP
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Des Taviner Shot at None Smashed windscreen Happy and Glorious, Part One W629GHM
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Des Taviner Ball bearing fired at None Smashed windscreen Episode 008 Y721JNP
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Des Taviner Vandalized None Smashed windows Episode 033 Y721JNP
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Des Taviner Vandalized None Flattened tires and graffiti covered Episode 142 Y721JNP
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Des Taviner Blown up

Reg Hollis: Major injuries

Suspect in other vehicle: Killed

Blown up Episode 159 Y721JNP or P966XHG
Area Car Vauxhall Vectra PC Yvonne Hemmingway Rear-ended None Minor Episode 201 Y102YHM
Area Car BMW 5 Series PC Tony Stamp Collision with police officer June Ackland Undamaged Episode 225 LY53GUF

Type of Car

Model Driver Incident Injuries Damages Episode License Plate Call Sign
IRV Vauxhall Astra Mk3 PC Tony Stamp Shot at None Bullet holes, flattened tires Up in Smoke Part 1 J178FGY Sierra Oscar 2-1
IRV Vauxhall Astra Mk4 Sergeant Dale Smith Shot at None Damaged rims, tires, smashed windows Episode 481 VA03OGL Sierra Oscar 2-1
IRV Vauxhall Astra Mk4 Sergeant June Ackland Rolled over Minor cuts and bruises and shock Severly damaged, written off Episode 486 VU03VFL Sierra Oscar 3
IRV Vauxhall Astra Mk4 Sergeant Dale Smith Rolled onto side One passenger suffered a broken arm Slightly damaged Witness: Truth and Lies BU03ZZD Sierra Oscar 3
IRV Vauxhall Astra Mk4 Sergeant Dale Smith Vandalized None Windows and lights smashed, dented Conviction: To the Limit RK03WFC Sierra Oscar 3
IRV Vauxhall Astra Mk5 PC Benjamin Gayle Shot at Mental shock and a bullet graze to the neck, not serious Rear window came out, front window damaged, headrest sliced Protect & Serve LD59BYB Sierra Oscar 2-1

Type of Car Model Driver Incident Injuries Damages Episode Plate Call Sign
Panda Car Rover Metro 100 PC Nick Slater Flying Bottle smashes windscreen, crashed into another car None Front Smashed Windscreen, dented Episode:On The Hurry Up M336LUC Sierra Oscar 8-5
Panda Car Ford Fiesta PC Vicky Hagen Case of alcohol thrown on bonnet, crashed into pole None Severe, front end buckled Confessions of a Zookeeper R56CGK Sierra Oscar 8-4
Panda Car Ford Fiesta PC Polly Page Collided with Sierra 1 None Broken tailights, damaged bumper The Morning After Unknown Sierra Oscar 8-4
Panda Car Ford Fiesta Sergeant Craig Gilmore Vandalized None Windows smashed, lightbar broken off, dented A Week of Nights, Part 2 W516TBY Sierra Oscar
Panda Car Ford Fiesta Chief Inspector Derek Conway Attacked by petrol bomb Occupant killed Blown up Episode 005 X262GBY Unknown
Panda Car Ford Fiesta None Bomb exploded in front of it Man with bomb tied on to him killed Front end blown off Episode 208 W393TBY Sierra Oscar 8-5