The Bill Wiki
Jo Morgan   Service Record    
Jo Morgan
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D.S. Jo Morgan

IC: Gender
1Female   Female
Date of Death: 1995
Cause of Death: Shot
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Police Officer
Affiliation: Metropolitan Police
Curr. Posting: Sun Hill
Curr. Rank: Detective Sergeant
●  Service Record  ●
Current Status
Portrayed by:Mary Jo Randle
 ● First Appearance: Keeping Out of Trouble
 ● Last Appearance: Bait
List of Appearances

Detective Sergeant Jo Morgan is a character in The Bill, who originally appeared between 1993 and 1995

By the way she frowned and charged off on a limb, DS Jo Morgan could be sometimes thought of as a female version of Burnside. She was often so certain of her own judgements that she landed herself in hot water with DI Johnson and her other bosses, not to mention colleagues like Alan Woods. Jo saw sympathy as a waste of time - with victims and witnesses she could be brusque and sharp - she wanted results and didn't care how she got them. She was, however, a reliable member of the CID team; her sense of humour saved her, and her wit kept her stock high with the others.

Jo originally came from Rochdale (the accent was still strong) and arrived at Sun Hill from another tough London district, Hoxton CID, where she earned promotion to sergeant. She was divorced - things probably didn't work out because her ambition got in the way. Jo never complained about being a woman in a man's world. To her this was irrelevant - her job was cracking the next case. The job was her life.

Jo transferred to the South East Regional Crime Squad, and returned to the station in September 1995 to provide evidence in a trial of a drug dealer DI Chris Deakin was trying to put away. Later that month, Jo returned to Sun Hill but was gunned down outside the station whilst warning Ackland of an impending attack on her car. She was planning to transfer back to the station permanently following the investigation.

Service Record[]

Main Article: Service Record

  • 1993 - Transferred to Sun Hill
  • 1993 - Promoted to W.D.S.
  • 1994 - Transferred to the South East Regional Crime Squad
  • 1995 - Returns to the station in September 1995 to provide evidence in a trial of a drug dealer DI Chris Deakin was trying to put away.
  • 1995 - Gunned down outside the station whilst warning June Ackland of an impending attack on her car.