The Bill Wiki
Geoff Daly

D.S. Geoff Daly

Full Name: Geoffrey Daly
IC: Gender
1Male   Male
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Police Officer
Affiliation: Metropolitan Police
Curr. Posting: Unknown
Curr. Rank: Detective Sergeant
Curr. Title: DS Daly
Curr. Call Sign: Sierra Oscar
Occ. Status
●  Service Record  ●
Portrayed by:Ray Ashcroft
 ● First Appearance: 1996x - Knocking On The Door
 ● Last Appearance: 2000x - All Fall Down, Part Two
List of Appearances

Geoff Daly was a character in The Bill from 1996 until 2000.


DS Geoff Daly was an enthusiastic Yorkshireman with a wry sense of humour. He was a sensitive operator who thought cases through. His sensitivity could be very useful when it came to eliciting information from people, but he could also be tough when he needed to, and was not easily ruffled.

Daly spent two years at the Area Training Unit and had been Sergeant for ten years. At forty-three he'd acquired a wealth of information useful for CID. Chris Deakin hand-picked him for his team partly to use him as a sounding board. The others turned to him for the latest, up-to-date knowledge in all areas of crime. He specialised in Child Protection, having spent several years on the squad. He learnt how to be politically correct but may, in private, have had a different view of the world. Debbie Keane and Nick Slater knew him from their probationers' crime tuition. He was enthusiastic, steady and no nonsense; more 'knowing' then wise. As a practical and capable officer he dealt with every one from the same neutral distance. He had the measure of John Boulton, Don Beech and Rod Skase. As a family man, he transferred to Training so he could spend more time with his children, but came to Sun Hill keen to get back on the job.

Daly shared a tempestuous relationship with fellow DS Don Beech. He was often infuriated by the way Don used his charm to get results - chancing it, not playing it by the rules. Always wary of Don's methods, Daly became aware that he was corrupt, taking bribes and interfering with investigations resulting in many clashes and arguments with the fellow DS. Though he came close to exposing Beech (Walking On Water), he never gathered enough substantial evidence to present to his senior officers. Ironically, when Beech's corruption was finally uncovered by CIB, Daly had to be transferred away from the station in the 'clean sweep' of CID that followed (All Fall Down).

In 2021, actor Ray Ashcroft shared his memories of playing Daly in an episode of The Bill Podcast.

Service Record[]

1996 - Transferred to Sun Hill

1998 - 2000: Acting Detective Inspector 

2000 - Forcibly transferred with DI Deakin

Family and Relationships[]

Feud with DS Beech 

Major Storylines []

Walking on Water - Daly attempts to expose Beech as corrupt and very nearly succeeds  
