The Bill Wiki
Heavy Plant Crossing
Episode No.   Series
1430 1999x041
Original Airdate
8 July 1999 Flag of United Kingdom
Written By
Wendy Lee
Directed By
Ged Maguire
Episode Chronology:

Heavy Plant Crossing is the 1430th episode of The Bill

Sgt. Matt Boyden organises a simple obbo to catch a gang stealing an excavator from a building site. The situation is made more complicated when another gang turn up carrying guns and a man is shot and abducted. As Boyden angrily collars his snout, PC George Garfield and PC Dave Quinnan volunteer to check the hospital. Garfield's girlfriend Jenny is about to leave for South America, and he is keen to ask her to marry him, however Quinnan gets word that Jenny actually has feelings for him. As Garfield tries to organise a romantic dinner, DS Don Beech poaches Boyden's snout, but he too is given bad information. Garfield's dinner plans are a disaster, but he manages to catch Jenny at the nurses' home. He pops the question, but she declines, as Dave Quinnan watches from the car outside.


Main cast

  • Tony O'Callaghan as Sgt. Boyden
  • Andrew Paul as P.C. Quinnan
  • Lisa Geoghan as P.C. Page
  • Huw Higginson as P.C. Garfield
  • Billy Murray as D.S. Beech
  • Karl Collins as D.C. Glaze
  • Graham Cole as P.C. Stamp
  • Clive Wedderburn as P.C. McCann
  • Jane Wall as P.C. Worrell
  • Gregory Donaldson as D.C. Proctor
  • Matthew Crompton as P.C. Harker
  • Colin Tarrant as Insp. Monroe

Guest cast

  • Jenny Delaney - Lesley McGuire
  • Philly Bonner - David Gillespie
  • Suzy - Rosie Thomson
  • Mo Dodds - Denise Stephenson
  • Waiter - Lee Boardman
  • Jimmy Dodds - Robert Harper
  • Mr. Roe - Harry Miller
  • D.S.E. - Bryonie Pritchard
  • Barman - David Lear
  • Neighbour - Pamela Hardman