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Donna Harris   Service Record    
Donna Harris

W.P.C. Donna Harris

IC: Gender
1Female   Female
Occupation: Police Officer
Metropolitan Police     Sun Hill
Rank: Woman Police Constable
Call Sign: 335
Epaulette No.: SO 335
Status: ?
Occ. Status
●  Service Record  ●
Portrayed by:Louise Harrison
 ● First Appearance: Discretion
 ● Last Appearance: Confession
List of Appearances

Many's the villain who'd volunteer to have his collar felt by pretty blonde WPC Harris, one of the most pleasant, straightforward young women to have worked at Sun Hill. It's their loss that she worked mainly in the station. A Yorkshire lass, she left her family and friends and came to London to join the Met when she was twenty-one. She wanted to do a worthwhile job. She also wanted to make a clean break from sad memories; her husband had been killed in a car crash there. She married again six years later, this time a man many years older who had a daughter from his first marriage. It was the security she wanted, and in the next year she transferred to Sun Hill to become Collator, hoping the regular hours would mean she'd have more time with her family. It did, and the family grew: she gave birth to their son, now a toddler.

Because she had a happy home life and knew she was efficient at her job, Donna didn't have to take flak from her male colleagues. Any 'Be a good girl and…' routines earned quick put-downs. In 1994, she became the analyst for the burglary initiative, Bumblebee. She started it up at Sun Hill, and the work entailed her visiting other police stations.

Donna left Sun Hill in 1996, her job as collator becoming pretty much redundant in the new computerised era of policing.

In 2019, Louise Harrison shared her memories of playing Donna during an in-depth interview about her life and career for The Bill Podcast

Service Record[]

Main Article: Service Record

  • 1991 - Transferred to Sun Hill.
  • 1992 - Dressed up for a reconstruction of a Murder Case.
  • 1994 - Became the analyst for Bumblebee.
  • 1996 - Transfers Away from Sun Hill.

Family and Relationships[]

  • An ex-husband
  • A husband
  • A stepdaughter
  • A son

Major Storylines[]
