The Bill Wiki


The Bill in 1997


1997 saw a year of change for The Bill - the show was being attacked by BBC1 who scheduled some initially successful 'docusoap' type programmes against it, notably 'Driving School.' Michael Chapman, having been Executive Producer since 1989, handed over to Richard Handford, who had worked as Producer on many episodes earlier in the decade. Handford made his mark by gradually phasing out some of the older characters and bringing in some new, although most of these changes didn't happen until the following year.

Keane was injured during a raid on a pub (The Old Pal's Act); Daly tried to persuade the wife of a known rapist to help police put her husband away (All's Fair); and a loan shark asked his mate Beech for help when his business records were stolen (Bad Debt). An old flame of Boyden's turned up but unfortunately she now had dodgy connections (Once Bitten); Daly and Skase investigated a doctor who was over-prescribing drugs to patients (Professional Opinion); and Garfield became frustrated when uniform were forced to work alongside a group of security guards (A Policeman's Lot).

Meadows and Rawton investigated a consultant accused by a nurse of murdering a patient (Grey Area); Conway and Brownlow showed the relief that they could still spend a day at 'ground level' (One Big Happy Family); and Quinnan was nearly killed by a television set thrown from a balcony (Say a Little Prayer). Boulton and Carver investigated a football star accused of unlawful intercourse (True To Life Player); a pizza delivered to a prisoner topped with cigarette ends caused problems for Ackland (Takeaway); and Skase was attacked whilst buying drugs undercover (Your Call Too).

In a one hour special (In the Dark) Skase and Croft suspected the husband of a blind woman had killed a prostitute but they needed her help to prove it without her knowing; CID mounted a 'sting' operation to catch bail absconders by luring them to a hotel with the promise of free video equipment (A Price to Pay); and Boyden tried to help a father desperately searching for his teenage daughter who'd run away (Just Looking). Quinnan and Slater pulled in a red Lamborghini driver on suspicion of having drugs (Rolling In It); new recruit PC Jamilla Blake used her female intuition when investigating the possible abduction of a baby from its father's stolen car (Holding On); and Lines was shocked into action when Deakin told him his informants were 'well past their sell-by date' (Crime Management).

In the wake of a burglary, a wife's evidence led Skase to suspect that the victim's husband was a serial killer (In the Dark); Boulton encountered an old colleague from Barton Street who had teamed up with a fence whilst suspended from duty (No Claims Bonus); and Rawton was able to see past a pretty face when a wealthy man's wife tried to distance herself from her past by committing bigamy (Rings On Her Fingers). Monroe and the team tried to get to the root of a crime that could be heard on a mobile phone (It's Good to Talk), Page tried to single-handedly overpower robbers fleeing from a post office (Split Second); and Greig enlisted the help of two pensioners to trap a team of burglars (Old Fools).

All of Sun Hill was on the look-out for who was responsible for beating up Beech after he was found unconscious - it turned out to be an irate husband! (A Bunch of Fives); Boulton fell under scrutiny when it was alleged he encouraged the father of a mugging victim to take the law into his own hands (Short, Sharp Shock); and Lines (pictured) was told to smarten up his act (Lucky Day). Half a million pounds worth of counterfeit money and a 14 year old tearaway gave Rawton and Page serious grief (No More Milk); Loxton and Keane investigated a severe case of bullying which led to the stabbing of a fifteen year old boy (Do Unto Others); and Meadows had his fingers burnt by a hairdresser suspected of arson (Playing with Fire).

PC Blake was seconded to CID with a none too impressed Carver (Gentleman Jim); Boyden was intrigued by a missing girl who seemed to have a boyfriend for every day of the week (Mr. Friday Night) and DC Tom Proctor joined CID (Foxed). Boyden and Beech went head-to-head in an attempt to find a violent man and his wife before a vicious drug-dealer did (Hunt); Hollis went undercover with customs and excise when he discovered a hoard of illegally imported wildflower bulbs (Flower Power); and in a two-parter, Blake and Daly tried to keep one step ahead of a dangerous stalker (Breach of Trust).

Boyden and Quinnan used an aspiring stand-up comic as an informant but found he was as hopeless off-stage as on (Fool); CID and Uniform competed against each other in a race to solve the most crimes (Performance Anxiety); and after a number of successful undercover operations, PC Slater left to join SO10, getting more than he bargained for as a leaving present from Debbie Keane (Free to Speak?). A 12-year-old boy ran amok on a local estate, with the residents taking matters into their own hands (A Bad Lot); after being accused of no longer being 'at the cutting edge', Monroe went out on the beat with Jarvis (Force); and CID were in pursuit of two children who had been abducted by their father who wanted to take them out of the country (Shades of Grey).

Loxton landed himself in hot water when he did a stop-and-search on an off-duty black policeman (P.C.); disenchanted, he left the force for good, not before fitting up a bent solicitor (No Trace); Ackland ended up behind bars on a charge of accepting bribes (The Same Stripe) and PC Luke Ashton made his debut when we met him finishing off his training at Hendon (Potential for Conflict). Ashton then had a baptism of fire in a 3-parter when he witnessed a young boy fall to his death from a roof (Humpty Dumpty); Sun Hill's finest finished the year in triumphant fashion by putting on a decidedly dodgy version of the pantomime Aladdin (Twanky); and PC Harker made his debut (Things That Go Bump In The Night).


1117 - 13 - 1997x001 - The Old Pals' Act - 02-Jan-1997
1118 - 13 - 1997x002 - All's Fair - 03-Jan-1997
1119 - 13 - 1997x003 - Mantrap - 09-Jan-1997
1120 - 13 - 1997x004 - Bad Debt - 10-Jan-1997
1121 - 13 - 1997x005 - Professional Opinion - 14-Jan-1997
1122 - 13 - 1997x006 - Testament - 16-Jan-1997
1123 - 13 - 1997x007 - A Policeman's Lot - 17-Jan-1997
1124 - 13 - 1997x008 - The Devil You Know - 21-Jan-1997
1125 - 13 - 1997x009 - Once Bitten - 23-Jan-1997
1126 - 13 - 1997x010 - Turnaround - 24-Jan-1997
1127 - 13 - 1997x011 - Over The Fence - 28-Jan-1997
1128 - 13 - 1997x012 - Grey Area - 30-Jan-1997
1129 - 13 - 1997x013 - One Big Happy Family - 31-Jan-1997
1130 - 13 - 1997x014 - The Eye Of The Beholder - 04-Feb-1997
1131 - 13 - 1997x015 - Say A Little Prayer - 06-Feb-1997
1132 - 13 - 1997x016 - Downfall - 07-Feb-1997
1133 - 13 - 1997x017 - True To Life Player - 11-Feb-1997
1134 - 13 - 1997x018 - Takeaway - 13-Feb-1997
1135 - 13 - 1997x019 - Your Call Too - 14-Feb-1997
1136 - 13 - 1997x020 - Breaking Up - 18-Feb-1997
1137 - 13 - 1997x021 - A Price To Pay - 20-Feb-1997
1138 - 13 - 1997x022 - Just Looking - 21-Feb-1997
1139 - 13 - 1997x023 - A Tangled Web - 27-Feb-1997
1140 - 13 - 1997x024 - Rolling In It - 28-Feb-1997
1141 - 13 - 1997x025 - Added Bonus - 04-Mar-1997
1142 - 13 - 1997x026 - Holding On - 06-Mar-1997
1143 - 13 - 1997x027 - Crime Management - 07-Mar-1997
1144 - 13 - 1997x028 - Age Gaps - 11-Mar-1997
1145 - 13 - 1997x029 - In The Dark - 12-Mar-1997
1146 - 13 - 1997x030 - Crying Wolf - 13-Mar-1997
1147 - 13 - 1997x031 - Confidence - 14-Mar-1997
1148 - 13 - 1997x032 - All For Love - 18-Mar-1997
1149 - 13 - 1997x033 - Only The Lonely - 20-Mar-1997
1150 - 13 - 1997x034 - Copier - 21-Mar-1997
1151 - 13 - 1997x035 - Fashion Victims - 25-Mar-1997
1152 - 13 - 1997x036 - Hook, Line and Sinker - 27-Mar-1997
1153 - 13 - 1997x037 - No Claims Bonus - 28-Mar-1997
1154 - 13 - 1997x038 - Joker - 31-Mar-1997
1155 - 13 - 1997x039 - Typecast - 01-Apr-1997
1156 - 13 - 1997x040 - A Hard Rain - 03-Apr-1997
1157 - 13 - 1997x041 - Rings On Her Fingers - 04-Apr-1997
1158 - 13 - 1997x042 - Strange Meeting - 08-Apr-1997
1159 - 13 - 1997x043 - A Bitter Pill - 10-Apr-1997
1160 - 13 - 1997x044 - Dial 'M' For Marmalade - 11-Apr-1997
1161 - 13 - 1997x045 - Sisters - 15-Apr-1997
1162 - 13 - 1997x046 - Flesh and Blood - 17-Apr-1997
1163 - 13 - 1997x047 - Park Life - 18-Apr-1997
1164 - 13 - 1997x048 - Two's Company - 22-Apr-1997
1165 - 13 - 1997x049 - Inside Edge - 25-Apr-1997
1166 - 13 - 1997x050 - You and Me Versus The World - 29-Apr-1997
1167 - 13 - 1997x051 - Payback - 01-May-1997
1168 - 13 - 1997x052 - A Place of Your Own - 02-May-1997
1169 - 13 - 1997x053 - Don't Want To Hear The Bad News - 06-May-1997
1170 - 13 - 1997x054 - It's Good To Talk - 08-May-1997
1171 - 13 - 1997x055 - Split Second - 09-May-1997
1172 - 13 - 1997x056 - Old Fools - 13-May-1997
1173 - 13 - 1997x057 - Auld Lang Syne - 15-May-1997
1174 - 13 - 1997x058 - Warnings - 16-May-1997
1175 - 13 - 1997x059 - Calling Time - 20-May-1997
1176 - 13 - 1997x060 - Black and Blue - 22-May-1997
1177 - 13 - 1997x061 - A Bunch of Fives - 23-May-1997
1178 - 13 - 1997x062 - Short, Sharp, Shock - 27-May-1997
1179 - 13 - 1997x063 - Get You Back - 29-May-1997
1180 - 13 - 1997x064 - Powers of Persuasion - 30-May-1997
1181 - 13 - 1997x065 - A Rock and A Hard Place - 03-Jun-1997
1182 - 13 - 1997x066 - The Wrath of God - 05-Jun-1997
1183 - 13 - 1997x067 - Knight Errant - 06-Jun-1997
1184 - 13 - 1997x068 - Punchbag - 10-Jun-1997
1185 - 13 - 1997x069 - Best Eaten Cold - 12-Jun-1997
1186 - 13 - 1997x070 - Lucky Day - 13-Jun-1997
1187 - 13 - 1997x071 - For Richer, For Poorer - 17-Jun-1997
1188 - 13 - 1997x072 - No More Milk - 19-Jun-1997
1189 - 13 - 1997x073 - An Englishman's Home - 20-Jun-1997
1190 - 13 - 1997x074 - Loyal To The Last - 24-Jun-1997
1191 - 13 - 1997x075 - Rent - 26-Jun-1997
1192 - 13 - 1997x076 - Last Respects - 27-Jun-1997
1193 - 13 - 1997x077 - Too Much To Lose - 01-Jul-1997
1194 - 13 - 1997x078 - Do Unto Others - 03-Jul-1997
1195 - 13 - 1997x079 - Mid-Life Crisis - 04-Jul-1997
1196 - 13 - 1997x080 - Performing - 08-Jul-1997
1197 - 13 - 1997x081 - Playing With Fire - 10-Jul-1997
1198 - 13 - 1997x082 - No Guarantees - 11-Jul-1997
1199 - 13 - 1997x083 - Gentleman Jim - 15-Jul-1997
1200 - 13 - 1997x084 - Rift - 17-Jul-1997
1201 - 13 - 1997x085 - Stand By Your Man - 18-Jul-1997
1202 - 13 - 1997x086 - Replica - 22-Jul-1997
1203 - 13 - 1997x087 - Mr Friday Night - 24-Jul-1997
1204 - 13 - 1997x088 - Hitting The Nerve - 25-Jul-1997
1205 - 13 - 1997x089 - Thicker Than Mud - 29-Jul-1997
1206 - 13 - 1997x090 - Alternative Therapies - 31-Jul-1997
1207 - 13 - 1997x091 - Foxed - 01-Aug-1997
1208 - 13 - 1997x092 - These Foolish Things - 05-Aug-1997
1209 - 13 - 1997x093 - Neighbours - 07-Aug-1997
1210 - 13 - 1997x094 - Glass House - 08-Aug-1997
1211 - 13 - 1997x095 - This Old Man - 12-Aug-1997
1212 - 13 - 1997x096 - Tommy The Hero - 14-Aug-1997
1213 - 13 - 1997x097 - Driven To It - 15-Aug-1997
1214 - 13 - 1997x098 - A Man Out Walking His Dog - 19-Aug-1997
1215 - 13 - 1997x099 - Hunt - 21-Aug-1997
1216 - 13 - 1997x100 - Has Anyone Here Seen Bigmouth? - 22-Aug-1997
1217 - 13 - 1997x101 - On The Hurry Up - 26-Aug-1997
1218 - 13 - 1997x102 - Paying The Piper - 28-Aug-1997
1219 - 13 - 1997x103 - This Land Is Ours - 29-Aug-1997
1220 - 13 - 1997x104 - Not In The Script - 02-Sep-1997
1221 - 13 - 1997x105 - Flower Power - 04-Sep-1997
1222 - 13 - 1997x106 - A Breach of Trust, Part One - 05-Sep-1997
1223 - 13 - 1997x107 - A Breach of Trust, Part Two - 09-Sep-1997
1224 - 13 - 1997x108 - Fool - 11-Sep-1997
1225 - 13 - 1997x109 - Armed and Dangerous - 12-Sep-1997
1226 - 13 - 1997x110 - Animals - 16-Sep-1997
1227 - 13 - 1997x111 - Look Into My Eyes - 18-Sep-1997
1228 - 13 - 1997x112 - Performance Anxiety - 19-Sep-1997
1229 - 13 - 1997x113 - Different Strokes - 23-Sep-1997
1230 - 13 - 1997x114 - Sparks - 25-Sep-1997
1231 - 13 - 1997x115 - The Lion's Den - 26-Sep-1997
1232 - 13 - 1997x116 - The Needs of The Many - 30-Sep-1997
1233 - 13 - 1997x117 - Cross Purposes - 02-Oct-1997
1234 - 13 - 1997x118 - Free To Speak? - 03-Oct-1997
1235 - 13 - 1997x119 - Dishonour Among Thieves - 07-Oct-1997
1236 - 13 - 1997x120 - Coup de Grace - 09-Oct-1997
1237 - 13 - 1997x121 - Night Of The Long Knives - 10-Oct-1997
1238 - 13 - 1997x122 - Straying - 14-Oct-1997
1239 - 13 - 1997x123 - A Bad Lot - 16-Oct-1997
1240 - 13 - 1997x124 - Crimes Of A Lesser Passion - 17-Oct-1997
1241 - 13 - 1997x125 - Force - 21-Oct-1997
1242 - 13 - 1997x126 - Walkabout - 23-Oct-1997
1243 - 13 - 1997x127 - Shades of Grey, Part One - 24-Oct-1997
1244 - 13 - 1997x128 - Shades of Grey, Part Two - 28-Oct-1997
1245 - 13 - 1997x129 - Women At Work - 30-Oct-1997
1246 - 13 - 1997x130 - Solid Evidence - 31-Oct-1997
1247 - 13 - 1997x131 - Going Down - 04-Nov-1997
1248 - 13 - 1997x132 - Accomplice - 06-Nov-1997
1249 - 13 - 1997x133 - Last Fare - 07-Nov-1997
1250 - 13 - 1997x134 - Stolen Thunder - 11-Nov-1997
1251 - 13 - 1997x135 - P.C. - 13-Nov-1997
1252 - 13 - 1997x136 - No Trace - 14-Nov-1997
1253 - 13 - 1997x137 - A New Way To Pay Old Debts - 18-Nov-1997
1254 - 13 - 1997x138 - After All These Years - 20-Nov-1997
1255 - 13 - 1997x139 - Sands of Time - 21-Nov-1997
1256 - 13 - 1997x140 - Identity Crisis - 25-Nov-1997
1257 - 13 - 1997x141 - The Same Stripe, Part One - 28-Nov-1997
1258 - 13 - 1997x142 - The Same Stripe, Part Two - 02-Dec-1997
1259 - 13 - 1997x143 - Hot Plastic - 04-Dec-1997
1260 - 13 - 1997x144 - Gaybashing - 05-Dec-1997
1261 - 13 - 1997x145 - Potential For Conflict - 09-Dec-1997
1262 - 13 - 1997x146 - Heartbreak Hotel - 11-Dec-1997
1263 - 13 - 1997x147 - Humpty Dumpty, Part One - 12-Dec-1997
1264 - 13 - 1997x148 - Humpty Dumpty, Part Two - 16-Dec-1997
1265 - 13 - 1997x149 - Humpty Dumpty, Part Three - 18-Dec-1997
1266 - 13 - 1997x150 - Out - 19-Dec-1997
1267 - 13 - 1997x151 - Twanky - 22-Dec-1997
1268 - 13 - 1997x152 - Things That Go Bump In The Night - 30-Dec-1997

Preceded by:
1996 Episodes (Series 12)
1997 Episodes (Series 13)
(Episode Chronology)
Succeeded by:
1998 Episodes (Series 14)
