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The Bill Wiki


The Bill in 1987

Episode Count[]


At the start of the year, Hollis was unbearably smug after single-handedly disarming and handcuffing a man in a Labour Exchange and Martella talked down a would-be suicide who had AIDS (The New Order of Things); a drugs raid on a community centre sparked a riot (Some You Win, Some You Lose); and Sun Hill prepared for an inspection as Shaw and Martella discovered what appeared to be a child beating (Brownie Points). Galloway investigated a gangland murder, Roach was stabbed in the backside by louts in a pub, and in bad weather, Cryer knocked down and killed an old lady (Missing Presumed Dead). When Dashwood tried to put pressure on a black suspect, Martella reported him (Domestics); a headmaster refused to co-operate with an anti-drugs campaign and Roach and Penny clashed over the release of a prisoner (What Are Little Boys Made Of?).

Taxi drivers staged a protest by clogging roads around Sun Hill and Shaw was stabbed whilst trying to break up a fight on foot patrol (Blind Alleys, Clogged Roads); the early relief were interviewed by CIB following an allegation that an on-the-spot fine was pocketed by two bent PCs (Double Trouble); and Martella applied for a position in the Bermuda police force, but after being punched during a fight, then failing to prevent a suicide jumper, felt she wasn't up to the job and withdrew the application (Sun Hill Karma). Inspector Kite thought he was on to illegal dumping of toxic waste (Skipper); June Ackland was taken in hand by Sergeants Cryer and Penny when she got drunk following the death of her father, but whilst sobering up discovered an IRA arms deal (Overnight Stay); and during the investigation of a crazy woman and her cats, Penny was shot in the stomach and trapped in a flat out of reach of his radio (Not Without Cause).


At the start of the year, Hollis was unbearably smug after single-handedly disarming and handcuffing a man in a Labour Exchange and Martella talked down a would-be suicide who had AIDS (The New Order of Things); a drugs raid on a community centre sparked a riot (Some You Win, Some You Lose); and Sun Hill prepared for an inspection as Shaw and Martella discovered what appeared to be a child beating (Brownie Points). Galloway investigated a gangland murder, Roach was stabbed in the backside by louts in a pub, and in bad weather, Cryer knocked down and killed an old lady (Missing Presumed Dead). When Dashwood tried to put pressure on a black suspect, Martella reported him (Domestics); a headmaster refused to co-operate with an anti-drugs campaign and Roach and Penny clashed over the release of a prisoner (What Are Little Boys Made Of?).

Taxi drivers staged a protest by clogging roads around Sun Hill and Shaw was stabbed whilst trying to break up a fight on foot patrol (Blind Alleys, Clogged Roads); the early relief were interviewed by CIB following an allegation that an on-the-spot fine was pocketed by two bent PCs (Double Trouble); and Martella applied for a position in the Bermuda police force, but after being punched during a fight, then failing to prevent a suicide jumper, felt she wasn't up to the job and withdrew the application (Sun Hill Karma). Inspector Kite thought he was on to illegal dumping of toxic waste (Skipper); June Ackland was taken in hand by Sergeants Cryer and Penny when she got drunk following the death of her father, but whilst sobering up discovered an IRA arms deal (Overnight Stay); and during the investigation of a crazy woman and her cats, Penny was shot in the stomach and trapped in a flat out of reach of his radio (Not Without Cause).

Ranking Character Played by Number of Episodes Running total Previous year's ranking
1 DI Galloway John Salthouse 12 35 1
2 DS Roach Tony Scannell 12 34 2
3 DC Dashwood Jon Iles 12 34 3
4 Sgt Cryer Eric Richard 12 35 4
5 PC Edwards Colin Blumenau 12 35 5
6 PC Carver Mark Wingett 12 35 6
7 PC Ackland Trudie Goodwin 12 35 7
8 Sgt Penny Roger Leach 12 32 8
9 PC Martella Nula Conwell 12 28 10
10 PC Hollis Jeff Stewart 12 27 13
11 Sgt Peters Larry Dann 12 19 15
12 PC Shaw Chris Walker 12 18 16
13 Insp Kite Simon Slater 12 12 N/A
14 PC Smith Robert Hudson 11 9
15 PC Melvin Mark Powley 11 11 N/A
16 Ch Supt Brownlow Peter Ellis 9 25 12
17 PC Frank Ashley Gunstock 9 20 15
18 PC Patel Sonesh Sira 7 7 N/A
19 PC Stamp Graham Cole 2 3 N/A


24 - 3 - 1987x001 - The New Order of Things - 21-Sep-1987
25 - 3 - 1987x002 - Some You Win, Some You Lose - 28-Sep-1987
26 - 3 - 1987x003 - Brownie Points - 05-Oct-1987
27 - 3 - 1987x004 - Missing, Presumed Dead - 12-Oct-1987
28 - 3 - 1987x005 - Domestics - 19-Oct-1987
29 - 3 - 1987x006 - What Are Little Boys Made Of? - 26-Oct-1987
30 - 3 - 1987x007 - Blind Alleys, Clogged Roads - 02-Nov-1987
31 - 3 - 1987x008 - Double Trouble - 09-Nov-1987
32 - 3 - 1987x009 - Sun Hill Karma - 16-Nov-1987
33 - 3 - 1987x010 - Skipper - 23-Nov-1987
34 - 3 - 1987x011 - Overnight Stay - 30-Nov-1987
35 - 3 - 1987x012 - Not Without Cause - 07-Dec-1987

Preceded by:
1986 Episodes
1987 Episodes (Series 3)
(Episode Chronology)
Succeeded by:
1988 Episodes (Series 4)
